Initially the API delivers information for all trains that runs on behalf of our two customers Värmlandstrafik and Norrtåg. Work is under way to get trains from more transport companies. The API delivers GPS-coordinates once per second for trains running commercial tours which gives the API-user very exact and current data.
The GPS-information that the API delivers is automatically collected by Oxyfi’s solution oxConnect and is used by us to deliver a reliable and secure internet access on-board. Another application for the data is precise sign information on platforms. By releasing the information publicly, we hope to contribute to creating new services and websites that enhance the traveler’s experiences.
When a client connects to the API, it creates a web stream that continuously sends data from the API to the client. This means that the delay will be minimal, normally it will take less than half a second from the train sends the GPS position until the information is available to the client and may be processed.
More information about the API and how to start using it is available on